Like most children, one of Landon’s favorite places to dine is Chick Fil A. Since Landon has a fascination with cooking, his wish for his 10th birthday was to tour the kitchen. Diane, one of the employees, was so gracious and sweet to Landon. They took Landon on a kitchen tour, showing him all of the equipment, the storage areas, and how they prepared the food. Mommy even learned something new! I always assumed that their chicken was prebreaded, but I was WRONG! They even cut up all the chicken breasts for nuggets, and everything is breaded in the kitchen! After the tour, Ms. Diane allowed Landon to key in his own order (he was ECSTATIC), and they had the Chick Fil A cow come and sit with Landon afterwards. Landon even had a chance to make his own sundae! Thanks again Diane and Chick Fil A for making Landon’s birthday so special!
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